What is dismissal?
Undergraduate students who are dismissed will be asked to leave a college or program, but not the university. If you have been dismissed, you should become familiar with two important Student Rules:
- University Student Rules, Academic Rules, 12. Scholastic Deficiency/Probation
- University Student Rules, Academic Rules, 50. Academic Suspension and Blocks
What does it mean to be dismissed?
If you have been dismissed from a major, a program, or a college, it means you have not met their academic requirements. This could be because of a semester GPA, a culumative GPA, the grade in a required course, or other reasons as outlined by your major, program, or college. Do not assume that if you fall below requirements you will be put on probation. Probation is not automatic, and some college do not have probation. Once you have been dismissed, you will need to find another major or college. Your can get help with a change of major from your academic advisor.
How can I appeal a dismissal?
Go back to the letter or email you received that announced your dismissal. It will tell you about two processes and give you contact information for each. Pay close attention to the deadlines.
If you believe that the decision to dismiss you was arbitrary, prejudiced, or capricious, you can appeal to the Undergraduate Academic Appeals Panel. If you believe that is the case, follow Student Rule 57. However, if you simply have not met the requirements for your major, degree, or program, it is unlikely that you were dismissed for any arbitrary, prejudiced, or capricious reason.
What should I do if I am dismissed?
Start by figuring out what caused your academic problems in the first place. Some students identify poor study habits, lack of preparation, excess social activity, or work outside of classes as contributors. Some discover their major is the problem. Perhaps their understanding of the major and the aptitude for the work required is different from what they expected. Or they lack interest or skill in a major. The best place to start figuring out what to do is by visiting your academic advisor. They will be able to help you pinpoint the issues and see what other major might work. if you cannot get help from your academic advisor, visit with the advisors in Transition Academic Programs, who have a wide knowledge of the requirements of many majors.
If you have fewer than 60 hours total taken in your degree plan, you might be able to take advantage of the General Studies major at Transition Academic Programs. With this major, you can complete one or two semesters of course work if order to prepare to transfer into a new major. There is a process you have to follow to be accepted as a General Studies major, including selecting a realistic major and sometimes a backup major. TAP advisors will help you though the application process. Be sure to pay close attention to their deadlines.
How can I improve my academic performance and improve my chance for re-admission to my major or college?
To identify problem areas and change your behaviors, talk to your academic advisor. Your advisor might refer you to the Career Center, University Health Services or the Academic Success Center. These resources can help you pinpoint the factors that helped lead to the situation and identify strategies to move forward.