Scholastic Probation
What is scholastic probation?
Undergraduate students who are placed on scholastic probation (also called academic probation) should become familiar with the following:
- University Student Rules, Academic Rules, 12. Scholastic Deficiency/Probation
- The terms of probation that are outlined in the probation letter or e-mail from the dean of the student's college
Student Rule 12 and the notification of probation provide the final word on probation and the expectations the college has for students on probation. You can learn more about probation from the Undergraduate Studies YouTube video,
What does it mean to be on probation?
Probation is special permission by your college or department to continue at Texas A&M for one semester even though you have not met the academic requirements to remain. If you are on probation, you will receive notification, usually a letter or an e-mail from the dean of your college.
The letter will outline the terms of probation—special things that must be done in order to remain at TAMU for one more semester. Terms of probation often include meeting grade requirements, registering in specific courses, meeting regularly with an academic advisor or an academic coach, or attending an academic assistance program. Terms might also include a restriction on future pre-registration.
You should consider probation as the final warning from the college. It's imperative that you fulfill the terms of probation. Failure to meet the terms and continued grade deficiency will result in serious consequences, including possible dismissal from your college or suspension from the university.
What if I don't meet the terms of probation?
Not meeting the terms of probation will have serious consequences. Students who do not meet the terms of probation will be dismissed from the college. Continued grade deficiency may result in suspension from the university.
What should I do if I am placed on probation?
If you have been placed on probation, take a hard look at your academic history and behaviors and determine what might have caused your poor academic performance. Some students identify poor study habits, lack of preparation, excess social activity, or work outside of classes as contributors. Some discover their major is the problem. Perhaps their understanding of the major and the aptitude for the work required is different from what they expected; perhaps they lack interest or skill in their major. In many cases, a change of major will be necessary, though this might be impossible while you are on probation.
Finally, consider the time and cost of attending Texas A&M University and the personal commitment necessary to be successful. Sometimes students realize they are incapable of making the commitment required to be successful at Texas A&M and wisely take a break from their studies here before experiencing further academic failure. If this applies to you, discuss this option with an academic advisor, along with options of continuing your education at another institution (on either a temporary or permanent basis). An academic advisor can also help you prepare for possible re-enrollment or re-admission to Texas A&M University if you take a break.
How can I improve my academic performance and get off probation?
To identify problem areas and change your behaviors, talk to your academic advisor. Your advisor might refer you to the Career Center, University Health Services or the Academic Success Center. These resources can help you pinpoint the factors that helped lead to the situation and identify strategies to move forward.